Wednesday, March 13, 2013

How to Try New Things

How to Try New Things

Getting out of your routine or rut keeps the mind sharp and life more interesting. The scale of the new venture isnt importantchoosing to have tea instead of coffee one morning a week can be just as life altering as opting to sell all possessions and take an around-the-globe trek. The difference is in the approach.



    Write it down. With pen on a piece of paper put the intention for the new thing. Be specific, clear and focused. The time doing this should commensurate with the size of the new thing. For example, take a few minutes to mull over a new thing of changing hair products, for a new thing of running for public office, take much longer to think it over.


    Start small, think big. If you want to give yourself a total makeover, perhaps start with a new hair style. From there some new wardrobe pieces, a new hair color, yoga classes, all the while losing weight. A resume sent out months previously has turned into a job interview. And before you know it, youve divorced, relocated to a new city, and dont recognize yourself in the mirror.


    Research resources. If youre reading this you have access to the Internet, and there isnt any better tool available. But dont limit yourself to the Internet. Mentors are invaluable. Libraries cant be beat. Keep the mind and eyes open. Help is all around.


    Stock up on supplies. Change cant be accomplished without the proper tools. Make sure you are prepared. If your new thing is tea instead of coffee, have a good selection of tea on hand. Is sugar needed for the tea? Or, if the change is gigantic, renovating a residence, maybe the first supply needed is a game plan. Build from the game plan.


    People of the power-of-positive-thinking persuasion believe a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Keep stepping away and dont lose faith, your new thing is within reach.


    Congratulate yourselfyou tried something new! There are always plenty of people around ready to give you a kick in the rear, so it is important to give yourself lots of kind words.

How to Try New Things

Getting out of your routine or rut keeps the mind sharp and life more interesting. The scale of the new venture isnt importantchoosing to have tea instead of coffee one morning a week can be just as life altering as opting to sell all possessions and take an around-the-globe trek. The difference is in the approach.



    Write it down. With pen on a piece of paper put the intention for the new thing. Be specific, clear and focused. The time doing this should commensurate with the size of the new thing.

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    . For example, take a few minutes to mull over a new thing of changing hair products, for a new thing of running for public office, take much longer to think it over.


    Start small, think big. If you want to give yourself a total makeover, perhaps start with a new hair style. From there some new wardrobe pieces, a new hair color, yoga classes, all the while losing weight. A resume sent out months previously has turned into a job interview. And before you know it, youve divorced, relocated to a new city, and dont recognize yourself in the mirror.


    Research resources. If youre reading this you have access to the Internet, and there isnt any better tool available. But dont limit yourself to the Internet. Mentors are invaluable. Libraries cant be beat. Keep the mind and eyes open. Help is all around.


    Stock up on supplies. Change cant be accomplished without the proper tools. Make sure you are prepared. If your new thing is tea instead of coffee, have a good selection of tea on hand. Is sugar needed for the tea? Or, if the change is gigantic, renovating a residence, maybe the first supply needed is a game plan. Build from the game plan.


    People of the power-of-positive-thinking persuasion believe a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Keep stepping away and dont lose faith, your new thing is within reach.


    Congratulate yourselfyou tried something new! There are always plenty of people around ready to give you a kick in the rear, so it is important to give yourself lots of kind words.

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